Many processes require switching between two constant process-synchronous speeds at a precise point. Since this leads to an often significant jump in speed, you previously tried to trap such jumps on appropriate drive parameter settings. But then the reversing point isn’t reached exactly anymore
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In the video you can see very well how “hard” for example the turn is on the lower reversing point without appropriate drive parameter settings and the second upper reversing point is not reached exactly with pure drive parameter adjustments. But here we want to present a solution with which such a turning maneuver is simple to implement position setpoint based with polynomials (as you can see at the first upper reversing point where the mouse points to). The user has to define only the area in which to place the maneuver and specify the exact time at which the reversing point has to be reached.
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A corresponding algorithm calculates a reversing polynomial (optional 5th or 7th degree), which can be integrated as a cam segment or as a table into the movement. In the picture above you can see how such a reversing polynomial can be programmed for example using JetSym STX. The calculation itself takes a maximum of one to two milliseconds even at a smaller Jetter controller.