SiMoLib.NET API V3.0.1.1
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SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D Interface Reference

Interface to a single cutting stock algorithm thread. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D:

Public Member Functions

double Start ()
 To trigger an optimization run, the return value is if positive the optimal value, if negative OPTI_ERROR_NOT_LICENSED = -1, OPTI_ERROR_DIMENSION_OVERSIZED = -2, OPTI_ERROR_ITEM_EXCEEDS_STOCK_LENGTH = -3 or OPTI_ERROR_IS_RUNNING = -4.


int Dimension [get, set]
 Number of items to be cut.
double StockLength [get, set]
 Length of the new stocks where all items have to be cut from.
double[] ItemLength [get, set]
 Array with all item lengths.
int Stocks [get]
 Calculated number of stocks needed.
int[] ItemStockID [get]
 Calculated stock id, this is the number of the stock where the item has to be cut from.
double[] Waste [get]
 Calculated array with the wastage of each stock.
byte ForceBranchTermination [get, set]
 To force termination of the branch&cut optimization with result.
byte BreakOptimization [get, set]
 To break an optimization run.
byte HaltOptimization [get, set]
 To halt an optimization run, as a handshake the optimization sets BreakOptimization, which has to be reset by the user.
double Optimum [get]
 Target function value of an optimization, the smaller the better.
string LicenseKey [get, set]
 To input a Developer or Developer Deploy license string, when read the hardware or software license is stated.
int BranchLimit [get, set]
 Has to be 0 if no branch&cut strategy should be used, otherwise this is the size of the branch.
double StockWasteLimit [get, set]
 A filling of a stock is considered as good if the waste is below this limit (the stock will then be taken out of the branch&cut optimization)
byte IsRunning [get]
 Signals the user that an optimization run is in progress.

Detailed Description

Interface to a single cutting stock algorithm thread.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Start()

double SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.Start ( )

To trigger an optimization run, the return value is if positive the optimal value, if negative OPTI_ERROR_NOT_LICENSED = -1, OPTI_ERROR_DIMENSION_OVERSIZED = -2, OPTI_ERROR_ITEM_EXCEEDS_STOCK_LENGTH = -3 or OPTI_ERROR_IS_RUNNING = -4.

Property Documentation

◆ BranchLimit

int SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.BranchLimit

Has to be 0 if no branch&cut strategy should be used, otherwise this is the size of the branch.

Default value is 50

◆ BreakOptimization

byte SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.BreakOptimization

To break an optimization run.

◆ Dimension

int SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.Dimension

Number of items to be cut.

◆ ForceBranchTermination

byte SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.ForceBranchTermination

To force termination of the branch&cut optimization with result.

◆ HaltOptimization

byte SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.HaltOptimization

To halt an optimization run, as a handshake the optimization sets BreakOptimization, which has to be reset by the user.

◆ IsRunning

byte SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.IsRunning

Signals the user that an optimization run is in progress.

◆ ItemLength

double [] SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.ItemLength

Array with all item lengths.

◆ ItemStockID

int [] SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.ItemStockID

Calculated stock id, this is the number of the stock where the item has to be cut from.

◆ LicenseKey

string SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.LicenseKey

To input a Developer or Developer Deploy license string, when read the hardware or software license is stated.

◆ Optimum

double SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.Optimum

Target function value of an optimization, the smaller the better.

Referenced by SiMoCS.CuttingStock1DFactory.Evaluate().

◆ StockLength

double SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.StockLength

Length of the new stocks where all items have to be cut from.

◆ Stocks

int SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.Stocks

Calculated number of stocks needed.

◆ StockWasteLimit

double SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.StockWasteLimit

A filling of a stock is considered as good if the waste is below this limit (the stock will then be taken out of the branch&cut optimization)

Default value is 0.01, this means a stock filling with 1 % or less waste is considered as good

◆ Waste

double [] SiMoCS.ICuttingStock1D.Waste

Calculated array with the wastage of each stock.