Our patented concept Green Automation in Motion represents newly developed methods for general scalable motion control of cam machines and robots where you have to think only in base points instead of velocities/accelerations and of course in order to minimize energy consumption. And by the way already available PTP and Linear movements with smoothing may be easily embellished energy optimally using our approach.

Green Automation in Motion easily explained in the journal Robotik und Produktion Ausgabe 2 2016 (for the English translation see pages 3 and 4):


The simulations made including mechatronic models have shown that when using geometric smoothed linear splines generally greater energy savings are possible than with other spline or conventional types of movement. In addition, they are more flexible for synchronous/asynchronous movements, so handling is much more easier for the user. Also a seamless fusion of cam and path control is very easy realizable.

See for yourself and let us open the door for general energy savings wherever machines are in motion. And quite naturally the minimized geometric gradients of the axes/coordinates allow positionings as fast as possible with minimized energy demand at the same time!

Take a look at our current research results:


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For further informations please refer to Evolution Robotic Energy Optimization and Conference “Vernetzt Planen und Produzieren VPP2015″.